CS451 Fall 02 Midterm




·       Test will start Tuesday 22 at 7.30 pm (please try to get there on time) and will last

 Exactly 1 h 30 minutes (after a short break there will be a new lecture till end of class).


·       No books or notes allowed (you can carry calculators) .


·       It will consist of about 25-30 questions, most of them multiple-choices (but with a comment area).

     Topics will range from asking questions about snippets of OpenGL code to some calculations to

     generic questions on the material presented in class.


Here is a list of topics to study:


·       Chapter 1,2, 3 of Red OpenGL Book. Just skip the section in chapter 2 dealing with special

     lines (dashed, stippled, etc.)

·       Bresenham line scan-conversion algorithm

·       Line anti-aliasing algorithm

·       2D and 3D transforms using homogeneous coordinates (review your matrix algebra)

·       perspectives and camera positioning. Important: you MUST learn in depth all the openGL

functions we used, including the meaning of input parameters. Review Nate Robin’s tutorial

     on projection.


If you have any questions on the mid-term, drop a message in my e-box.