Evaluation of Short Read Metagenomic Assembly. 

By Anveshi Charuvaka ( & Huzefa Rangwala(Email:

Computer Science Department at George Mason University

Dataset Details:        sim36m_dataset_info.csv  (provides the details of the sequences used and the number of reads taken from each sequence, for simLC, simMC, and simHC dataset)
Replaced Genomes: fames_replace.csv (list of replacement genomes for the incomplete genomes originally used in Ref [15] in the paper)

Supplementary Figures

a) Contig Length Distribution

simLC Length Distribution simMC Length Distribution simHC Length Distribution
SimLC Length Distribution
SimMC Length Distribution
SimHC Length Distribution

b) Contig Impurity

simLC Contig Impurity simMC Contig Impurity simHC Contig Impurity
SimLC Contig Impurity
SimMC Contig Impurity SimHC Contig Impurity

Contig Impurity, like Contig Entropy defined in the paper, represent the degree of chimerism in the contigs. It is calculated as follows
  1. Reads are aligned to the contigs, using BWA, and each read is mapped to only one contig (to which the read aligns with best accuracy)
  2. For each contig, the number of reads aligned to it, from different source sequences are counted. Let these counts be denoted by Ci ( where 1 ≤ i ≤ Total Number of Source Sequences )
  3. Finally, contig impurity is defined as
Contig Impurity = b / (N-b)
           where b = max( Ci ) and N = sum( Ci ) ]