Programming Languages

Programming languages allow use to create our own software by giving us a means
to give instructions to the computer. Some terminology:

Natural vs artificial languages: The computer understands 0s and 1s (binary).
We understand human (natural) languages. We need to find a common language
with which to communicate!

compiler, interpreter: tools for translating our programs so the computer
can execute them. A compiler generates an independent executable form of
the program. If you use an interpreter, you will always need to use the
interpreter to run the program. However, interpreters are often easier for
beginners to use. Many modern compilers combine the best features of both.

high level vs low level languages: high level languages are closer to human
language. Low level languages are highly codified and are closer to machine
language. Low level languages are used to write operating systems and for
applications in which one needs to work closely with the hardware.

procedural vs object oriented programming (OOP): the procedural approach divides
problem into tasks to be performed. It is more efficient (runs faster). The
object oriented approach decomposes a problem in terms of things, or "objects,"
and their attributes. (Example: a "window" is an object. It's attributes
include the ability to open and close, move, re-size, etc.) The object oriented
approach is preferable for handling complex problems, problems where the code
must be error free (verifiable), and must be maintained over a period of time by
many people.

Some programming Languages



PRINT "Hello"







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