IT 103 Class Projects

****** Change to Due Date******

PROJECTS DUE:   Lecture Day, Week of 11/12 By 9pm.  NO LATE PROJECTS!

                                                                Section 004 and 006 - 11/12 by 9pm
                                                                Section 001, 002 and 003 - 11/13 by 9 pm
                                                                Section 005 -11/14 by 9pm

The theme for Fall 2001 projects is: Technology in the Year 2001. Choose from the list of approved topics below.

The purpose of this project is threefold:

In the future, term papers will no longer be drab 10 page typed black and white pages. They will be published on the web and may include graphs, charts, and figures. They will more appealing visually and will be more effective, since graphics and links to related information will help support your assertions.

These new capabilities force us to rethink the way in which we organize and present information. Since the information will be published on the Web, you must be much more careful to check the accuracy of your information, spell check and proofread carefully, and you need to be sure that you do not infringe copyrights by using images or text that are not your own.

The "A" project illustrates your research into some issues on technology. All references must be properly cited. Direct quotes must be indicated and footnoted. Write in your own words! Plagiarism will be considered an honor code violation. Choose something of interest to you that you will enjoy!Help Me!

Ideas-List of Topics The project must be in your mason account and must be linked from your homepage. (It should not be in your index.html file, but you should put a link to it in your index.html file so that we will be able to grade it.)

Simply making a Home Page is NOT a project. Submitting a project used in another class constitutes an honor code violation. All projects must be stored in your mason account to receive credit.

Your pages should include appropriate formatting and graphics and should be linked to other relevant pages. Be sure to get permission before including pictures that are copyrighted. Cite sources for textual material as you would to footnote a term paper. Remember that it is not legal to quote extensive amounts of text without getting permission from the copyright holder. Often publishers will happily grant such permission for school projects that are clearly non-commercial applications. (Often, you just need to add a note: reproduced by permission of....) Note that it is a violation of the Campus Responsible Use of Computer Policy to use a Mason account for commercial purposes. Your project needs to be clearly non-commercial. If you ever want to delete a web page: log in, type
cd public_html
rm filename.html

For Some Past Projects Click here
(Note that the specifications for projects have changed since last term, so don't be surprised if these don't meet all of the criteria given above.)

Points will be deducted for failure to spell-check! Points will also be deducted for failure to cite references appropriately on a separate references page.

Your project will be evaluated in terms of creativity, effort, research, overall appearance and quality. State the source for any graphics or pictures that are not in the public domain and indicate that you got permission to use them. The secret to success is to start on the project early! Campus labs and services become very busy when IT 103 projects are due.

Hint: Test your project on campus computers. If it won't load there in a reasonable amount of time, don't assume your instructor can view it. If we can't view it, we can't grade it!

Honor Code: This project is to be the work of each individual student. If you get help from someone else (e.g. The Media Center), you must state that on your references page (be specific).

There is no such thing as a late project. The project must be turned in, by the due date, even if unfinished.  No disks or printouts will be accepted.

Scanning and Web Page Help: STAR, Student Technology Assistance and Resources. 311 Johnson Center.
Click here for more info

Writing: GMU Writing Center. Robinson A116. Click here for more info

KEEP CURRENT BACKUPS AT ALL TIMES. "The computer ate my project" will get you sympathy, but no points.

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