Please bring a clean formatted disk when you come to take the Lab Exam.

Know how to:
    format a disk
    make folders and subfolders and copy/save/move things into them
    to rename and delete files/folders

Know how to:
    create, save, and reopen a Word document
    cut, paste, and move text
    align, bold, change font of text 
    change spacing, margins of a body of text
    Use Save As...

Know how to:
    create, save, and reopen a spreadsheet
    enter formulas and copy them with relative and absolute cell
    create a chart with a title

Know how to:
    upload and download files between a local disk and your mason account
Know how to:
    log in, create a file using pico, and use basic unix commands:
    ls, cd, chmod, mkdir, etc.
Standard Disclaimer: This is a guide only and may not be comprehensive.