Criteria for Grading CS 103 Final Projects

We enjoyed reading your projects! Most of them represent a lot of work!


18-20 A Note: only truly outstanding projects earn 20!
16-17 B
14-15 C
12-13 D
less than 12 F

Comment Codes

Note: Each comment code may refer to several criteria-only one
may apply to your project.

?	no project, inaccessible project, modified after due date,
	or not in mason account

0	application to Internet technology not clear or not emphasized
	missing application
	poor choice of topic, or unapproved topic

1	depth of research
	use of most recent source material
	variety of sources

2	quality of writing
	adequate explanation
	use of your own words

3	spell check
	grammar check

4	proper citations (did you include the date you visited web pages?)
	picture credits/permissions
	use of footnotes where needed
	proper indication of quoted materials

5	visual appeal weak
	no pictures or weak use of illustrations
	organization and design could be improved

6	forbidden use of an HTML editor

7	links missing or not working, required pages missing,
	major requirement missing (table, form, illustration, etc.),
	form doesn't work	

8	overall quality could be improved or content is weak

9	nice project

10	outstanding project!

HC	Honor Code violation

RUC	Responsible Use of Computing Violation
	(commercial use or advertising on web page)

NG	No grade at this time.  See your instructor.