Assignment 4  due March 25

1) Figure 4.18 of the textbook shows a 32-bit ALU that supports the and, or, add, sub,
    and slt instructions. Suppose we wanted to support the hypothetical instructions
    sgt (set on greater than) and seq (set on equal). Modify the ALU shown in the figure
    to support these instructions. Explain how the additions or changes you make will
    have the desired result.                       (30 points)

2) Why does the MIPS architecture have both an add and an addu (add unsigned) instruction?
    Couldn't the add instruction be used for both signed and unsigned numbers? If so, why is
    addu needed?   (10 points)

3) Show the steps taken by the three multiplication algorithms discussed in class for
    multiplying the numbers 13 and -10. (Your answer should be similar in format to
    Figures 4.27, 4.30 and 4.33)  (10 points)